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BLH Client and Previous Stop-and-Frisk Plaintiff Settles with City After Recent Stop-and-Frisk

David Ourlicht, a lead plaintiff, and BLH client, in the Stop-and-Frisk trial, sued the City again in 2018 after he was again stopped and frisked. In March 2018, Ourlicht, who had since become a Legal Aid staff attorney, was with a friend in Crown Heights when they were stopped by two cops who accused them of smoking marijuana. Both men were frisked, though nothing was found.

“It is inexcusable that David Ourlicht, one of the original plaintiffs in the groundbreaking stop-and-frisk lawsuit that found NYPD engaged in racial profiling against black and Latino New Yorkers, had to approach the courts again over five years after his case was tried and the NYPD was found liable," said Jonathan Moore, partner at Beldock Levine & Hoffman LLP. "The actions of the NYPD officers involved in this case merely reflect ongoing community reports that these bad practices continue, even after David’s victorious trial.”



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