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Historic Settlements Reached for the Family of Eric Garner

The family and Estate of Eric Garner, represented by BLH attorneys Jonathan C. Moore and Joshua S. Moskovitz, have reached a historic settlement with the City of New York for $5.9 million. Mr. Garner was tragically killed last year when NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo used an illegal chokehold to arrest him, while other NYPD officers assisted or failed to intervene. Following Mr. Garner’s death, the Mayor and the Police Commissioner promised to reform the NYPD’s training on the use of force. However, as the Civilian Complaint Review Board and the new Inspector General for the NYPD have reported, the internal investigation and discipline process for officers accused of using chokeholds has allowed the practice to persist. A state grand jury failed to indict Pantaleo last year and the DOJ continues to investigate the case as it decides whether to bring federal criminal civil rights charges against the officers involved.

The Garner Estate and family have also reached a settlement with the Richmond University Medical Center for an undisclosed amount to resolve their claims that the responding EMTs, who worked for RUMC, failed to administer the proper and necessary life-saving measures.

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