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Lawsuit Filed after BLH Client Assaulted and Falsely Imprisoned for Wearing a Winter Hat

On April 4, 2017, BLH attorney Keith Szczepanski filed suit against two Brooklyn parole officers on behalf of Otega Aghoghoubia.

When Mr. Aghoghoubia entered a Brooklyn parole office, he was wearing a winter hat. Despite there being no signs prohibiting hats in the office, a parole officer ordered him to remove his hat. Mr. Aghoghoubia complied with the order. Moments later, a group of officers slammed Mr. Aghoghoubia against a wall, hit him with a baton, threw him to the ground, and arrested him, falsely accusing him of violating the conditions of his parole by assaulting a parole officer. Mr. Aghoghoubia was incarcerated for nearly three months before being cleared of all charges.

Read more about the case here.

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